PYthon Piedmont Triad User Group meeting
Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (February 23rd 2015) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the perfect language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the perfect tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.
Meeting will start at 5:30pm.We will open on an Intro to PYPTUG and on how to get started with Python, PYPTUG activities and members projects, then on to News from the community, including some details on a network forensics shell.
Then on to the main talk.
Main Talk
by Adam SheesleyTitle: "Hell is Other People's Code"
Bio: Adam Sheesley is a Penetration Tester who has experience and training in vulnerability assessment and (network/physical) penetration testing. Experienced as a web application developer, network administrator, and penetration tester, Adam has a broad knowledge of in-depth knowledge of implementing systems, breaking into networks, and training duck-sized horses.
This talk will cover modifications and additions that Adam made to a fantastic tool, put out by SpiderLabs.
As Responder was originally a NetBIOS spoofer we will cover a brief overview of the NetBIOS protocol. Specifically the pieces dealing with authentication. We will cover the motivations behind the modifications, the reasoning process for modifying existing code versus writing something new, and the challenges he encountered during the project. Finally we will cover a collection of other popular information security tools written in Python with a "Security is fun an so can you" approach.
We will replace the lightning talk sessions for this meeting, since we cancelled the project night, and work some on the High Altitude Balloon Project (Team Near Space Circus).
Meeting starts at 5:30PM
close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Map this
See also this campus map (PDF) and also the Parking Map (PDF) (Manchester hall is #20A on the parking map)
And speaking of parking: Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis. The official parking policy is:
Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:
It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.
In order to get a feel for how much food we'll need, we ask that you register your attendance to this meeting on meetup:
HAB Project
Monday, February 23rd 2015Meeting starts at 5:30PM
Wake Forest University,Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
See also this campus map (PDF) and also the Parking Map (PDF) (Manchester hall is #20A on the parking map)
And speaking of parking: Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis. The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."
Mailing List
Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:
It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.
Meetup Group
In order to get a feel for how much food we'll need, we ask that you register your attendance to this meeting on meetup: