Tuesday, October 10, 2017

PYPTUG Monthly meeting: Introduction to AWS Lambda

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (October 24th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the ideal language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also a tool that no expert would do without.

Main Talk: " Introduction to AWS Lambda"

by Andres Silva

AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. This presentation will help understand how the AWS Lambda platform to build python applications for the cloud.

Andres Silva is a Senior Technical Account Manager for AWS Enterprise Support. He has been working with AWS technology for more than 6 years. Andres works with Enterprise customers to design, implement and support complex cloud infrastructures.
Tuesday, October 24 2017
Meeting starts at 6:00PM

Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Manchester Hall
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List:

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:
It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

RSVP on meetup:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PYPTUG monthly meeting: Plotly, dash and company

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (September 19th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the ideal language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also a tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.

Main Talk: "Plotly, dash and company"

by Francois Dion

Remake of W. Playfair's classic visualization (source: Plot.ly)


There are many visualization packages available out there, each best suited to specific scenarios. In the past several years, I've covered Matplotlib, Seaborn, Vincent, ggplot, 3d visualizations through matplotlib, D3.js and mpld3 and Bokeh. In this presentation we will cover plotly (for javascript, R and Python) and related packages and when it makes sense to use it.


Francois Dion is the founder and Chief Data Scientist of Dion Research LLC, specializing in analytics, data science, IoT and visualization. 

He is the author of several open source software, such as stemgraphic (www.stemgraphic.org), the founder of the Python user group for the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina (www.pyptug.org) and mentors various groups in Python, R and analytics at large. You might have run across his multiple part series on LinkedIn on data science books, including part V on Visualization.


Please note, this meeting will be one week early in the month compared to our normal schedule:

Tuesday, September 19th 2017
Meeting starts at 6:00PM

Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Manchester Hall
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List:

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:

It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

Please RSVP so we have enough food for people attending!
RSVP on meetup:

Friday, June 16, 2017

PYPTUG Monthly meeting "Kivy" June 27

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (June 27th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the ideal language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the perfect tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.

Main Talk: "Kivy"

by Bob Gailer


Bob Gailer will present Kivy:

• What is Kivy? Where does it run?
• Kivy programming in Python plus The Kivy Language
• Installing
• Layouts
• Widgets, Properties, Events, Event Handlers
• Buildozer - Creating Android apps
• Android Emulators
• Kivy Launcher
• Garden – user contributed modules
• Communicating with the Kivy Team
• Documentation caveats
• Helpful Links
• Contributing


Bob Gailer is a programmer, application developer, and adult education teacher with experience in many languages, platforms, application development systems including Python since 1995. 

Tuesday, June 27th 2017
Meeting starts at 6:00PM

Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Manchester Hall
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List:

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:

It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

RSVP on meetup:

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

PYPTUG Monthly meeting "Seeking Exotics" May 30th

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (May 30th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the ideal language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the perfect tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.

We will open on an Intro to PYPTUG and on how to get started with Python, PYPTUG activities and members projects, then on to News from the community.

Main Talk: "Seeking Exotics"

by Francois Dion, Data Scientist, Inmar Inc.


Medicare payments, UPC code descriptions, fertility rate and fires. All of it is data, some of which is erroneous and some of which is anomalous. Seeking Exotics introduces the audience to the world of outliers and anomaly detection through the use of metrics, visualizations and open source machine learning tools.

Lightning talks! 

We will have some time for extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration. If you'd like to do one, some suggestions of talks were provided here, if you are looking for inspiration. Or talk about a project you are working on.

Tuesday, May 30th 2017Meeting starts at 6:00PM

Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Manchester Hall
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:

It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

RSVP on meetup:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

PYPTUG Monthly Meeting "Meet Eliza" April 25th 2017

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (April 25th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the perfect language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the perfect tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.

We will open on an Intro to PYPTUG and on how to get started with Python, PYPTUG activities and members projects, then on to News from the community.

Main Talk: "Meet Eliza"

by Francois Dion, Data Scientist, Inmar Inc.


When I was a child, I spoke with Eliza at a science museum, and everything changed from that moment on. Who was Eliza? Perhaps you haven't heard of Eliza. You will be able to meet Dr. Eliza and exchange some thoughts with her.

After meeting Eliza, we will discuss Artificial Intelligence. Ever wondered what it means? Can you trust AI? If AI can make works of art? Poems? What about legal ramifications? Should I confide in Siri or Cortana? What does an artificial neuron look like? Do androids dream of electric sheep? If you've asked yourself one of these questions, then you'll be glad to attend this presentation and discussion. 

And since this is a discussion, you'll be able to ask questions, to participate, to voice your opinion.

Lightning talks! 

We will have some time for extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration. If you'd like to do one, some suggestions of talks were provided here, if you are looking for inspiration. Or talk about a project you are working on.
Some are already lined up.


Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Meeting starts at 6:00PM


Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:

Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:

It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

RSVP on meetup:

Friday, February 17, 2017

PYPTUG Monthly Meeting Feb. 28th (new python stuff, c, c++ and fortran)

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (February 28th 2017) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the perfect language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the perfect tool that no expert would do without. Monthly meetings are in addition to our project nights.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.

We will open on an Intro to PYPTUG and on how to get started with Python, PYPTUG activities and members projects, then on to News from the community.

We will cover briefly some of the new features found in Python 3.6 (and maybe one or two in Python 3.5 you might not have discovered yet).

Then on to the main talk. Philip Semanchuk will help us to be polyglot programmers.

Main Talk: Python, C, C++, and Fortran Relationship Status: It’s Not That Complicated
by Philip Semanchuk of PySpoken LLC
I started writing BASIC on a TRS-80 and have been building software ever since using everything from C to Visual Basic to Python. For the past several years, I’ve been a freelancer focused on Python, especially where it meets C and other compiled languages but also for Django work. Some of my clients are Fortune 50 companies and others have just a handful of employees.
In the past, I have given talks at PyCarolinas, PyOhio, PyData, and the Triangle Python Users Group. This is my first opportunity to speak to the Python Piedmont Triad UG, and I’m grateful for the invitation.
Currently I’m using Python to perform etymology-focused lexical analysis. It’s a subject I know very little about, so I’m glad NLTK exists to hold my hand! Later this year I hope to use Python to collect data from a photovoltaic solar system that’s installed where I live.
You can learn more about me at http://PySpoken.com where I also have a blog (http://blog.PySpoken.com)
One of Python’s strengths is that it can use code written in compiled languages like C, Fortran and C++.

This talk gives an overview of your many options for getting Python to call and exchange data with code written in a compiled language. The goal is to make attendees aware of choices they may not know they have, and when to prefer one over another.

Lightning talks! 

We will have some time for extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration. If you'd like to do one, some suggestions of talks were provided here, if you are looking for inspiration. Or talk about a project you are working on.
Some are already lined up.


Tuesday, February 28th 2017
Meeting starts at 6:00PM


Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:

Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

Mailing List

Don't forget to sign up to our user group mailing list:

It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.

RSVP on meetup: