Thursday, March 22, 2018

PYPTUG Monthly Meeting (March): Python 3, Klein and more

Come join PYPTUG at out next monthly meeting (March 27th 2018) to learn more about the Python programming language, modules and tools. Python is the perfect language to learn if you've never programmed before, and at the other end, it is also the tool that no expert would do without.


Meeting will start at 6:00pm.
We will open on an Intro to PYPTUG and on how to get started with Python, PYPTUG activities and members projects, then on to News from the community.

Then on to the main talk. Philip Semanchuk will help us to migrate to Python 3. We'll also learn about Klein in the lightning talks.

Main Talk: How to Plan to Migrate to Python 3
by Philip Semanchuk of PySpoken LLC
I started writing BASIC on a TRS-80 and have been building software ever since using everything from C to Visual Basic to Python. For the past several years, I’ve been a freelancer focused on Python, especially where it meets C and other compiled languages but also for Django work. Some of my clients are Fortune 50 companies and others have just a handful of employees.
In the past, I have given talks at PyCarolinas, PyOhio, PyData, and the Triangle Python Users Group. This is my first opportunity to speak to the Python Piedmont Triad UG, and I’m grateful for the invitation.
Currently I’m using Python to perform etymology-focused lexical analysis. It’s a subject I know very little about, so I’m glad NLTK exists to hold my hand! Later this year I hope to use Python to collect data from a photovoltaic solar system that’s installed where I live.
You can learn more about me at where I also have a blog (
Python 2 will no longer be supported past 2020, yet many organizations still haven't made the switch to Python 3. This talk is for anyone facing a 2-to-3 migration that they'd like to feel more confident about. Attendees will leave with the outline of a migration plan, some suggested focus areas, a knowledge of helpful tools, and links to resources they can use after the talk.

 Detailed Abstract

Many organizations haven't yet made the switch to Python 3. Time is running out for them since Python 2 will no longer be supported past 2020. Organizations with larger projects to migrate will need to start very soon in order to meet the deadline.

Migrating from 2 to 3 can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be if you make a plan, take it step by step, and use the right tools. What's more, there's a great deal you can do immediately (while still in Python 2) to make your code more compatible with Python 3.

This talk is for anyone facing a 2-to-3 migration that they'd like to feel more confident about. The talk will discuss five areas of focus -- choosing a Python 3 version, identifying test gaps, reviewing dependencies, prepping one's code for Python 3, and the actual switchover. I'll discuss strengths and weaknesses of the tool `caniusepython3` for assessing dependencies. I'll also go into a fair amount of detail on Python's tool `2to3`, including how (and when) to use it effectively.

**Attendees will leave confident that the migration is manageable.** They'll have the outline of a plan, some specific areas on which to focus, a knowledge of helpful tools, and links to resources they can use after the talk.

Lightning talks! 

We will have some time for extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration. If you'd like to do one, some suggestions of talks were provided here, if you are looking for inspiration. Or talk about a project you are working on.
We already have a talk lined up on Klein by Chris Sheppard


Tuesday, March 27th 2018
Meeting starts at 6:00PM


Wake Forest University, close to Polo Rd and University Parkway:
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

And speaking of parking:  Parking after 5pm is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The official parking policy is:
"Visitors can park in any general parking lot on campus. Visitors should avoid reserved spaces, faculty/staff lots, fire lanes or other restricted area on campus. Frequent visitors should contact Parking and Transportation to register for a parking permit."

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It is the only step required to become a PYPTUG member.