Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Project nights!

Winston Salem project night

We are adding a new monthly event to our PYPTUG meetings, a project night. Francois Dion had been working with John Wheeler to secure a location, and we are now all systems go!

We are starting this in september, on the 2nd wednesday of the month. That's the 11th of september.


2nd wednesday of the month, 6pm


2601 Pilgrim Ct, 
Winston-Salem, NC 27106


Do you have a project you want to show off? Or do you need a second set of eyes on your code? Would you like to hack on an open source project? Perhaps you need help getting a module on a specific platform? Don't have a project but would like to help others or to learn more Python?
Whatever the case may be, project nights are your opportunity to get some help or to help others, so bring your laptop (or Raspberry Pi or whatever device that can run Python) and let's get things going.

Podemos hacer proyectos en español también. Ou même en français. Aucune excuse possible!

Other locations coming

PYthon Piedmont Triad User GroupWe are working on securing a day/location in Greensboro, and we will let y'all know when it becomes a reality.

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