To Space And Back - April 15th
This will be our last project night where we will focus on our HAB project: Sending a technical payload into space, and back, as part of the 2015 Global Space Balloon Challenge ( The project will include a payload that will pay homage to the first NASA balloon flights in 1969 designed to take large area photographs of the earth from a very high altitude.
The payload will include a computer with operating system, many python scripts and various hardware including sensors, transmitters and other tech gear.
You might think, the project is almost done. Nothing left to do. Not true! We need volunteers to help on launch day, so please RSVP and come by if you can:
This meeting will be on Wednesday, Apr. 15 at 6pm in the Dash room at Inmar:
Room 1130H "Dash"
Winston-Salem, NC
This will be at the Inmar building in downtown Winston Salem.
Weather and mission planning is ongoing on the PYPTUG mailing list:!forum/pyptug
And look for the Near Space Technical Payload Official Thread (should be at the top)
Keep an eye on this site for progress reports. At launch, you will be able to track the actual balloon through a web page. We've been running simulations from a Flask python web app for the past few days, and will continue until launch.
The payload will include a computer with operating system, many python scripts and various hardware including sensors, transmitters and other tech gear.
You might think, the project is almost done. Nothing left to do. Not true! We need volunteers to help on launch day, so please RSVP and come by if you can:
This meeting will be on Wednesday, Apr. 15 at 6pm in the Dash room at Inmar:
635 Vine St,Room 1130H "Dash"
Winston-Salem, NC
This will be at the Inmar building in downtown Winston Salem.
Weather and mission planning is ongoing on the PYPTUG mailing list:!forum/pyptug
And look for the Near Space Technical Payload Official Thread (should be at the top)
Keep an eye on this site for progress reports. At launch, you will be able to track the actual balloon through a web page. We've been running simulations from a Flask python web app for the past few days, and will continue until launch.
Tentative launch date will be determined on the 15th, but it looks at this time like the 20th at sunrise.
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